The sun is shinning bright and the temperatures are at near record highs outside. Spring? Is spring here? No. It is still February. In fact, it is not even Valentine’s Day. Today and this week is suppose to be wonderful weather-wise. But I’m not fooled. Spring is not here. I don’t even think it is just around the corner. Mother Nature is playing a trick on us. She is luring us unto a sense of a false spring.
I am not the only one not buying into this false spring. A few weeks ago, the groundhog saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter weather is what the sign tells us. One of our local weathermen is also seeing through Mother Nature’s trick. He has warned us to enjoy the nice weather- he predicts a return to winter between the 18th and 20th of February. I marked that on my calendar to see if he is right.
While I am enjoying the warmth I am not going overboard. No shorts or flip-flops for me. I’m still thinking maybe one good snow is still in the cards. I live in a bread-and-milk-state. If one drop of snow is predicted people run to the store to stock up on bread and milk. If snow actually falls, everything closes. Snow days are like major holidays for us. Right now we are all enjoying a preview of what’s to come when the time is right. Back to winter will be hard to take. We’ll adjust. What choice do we have? Under our blankets and coats we’ll be dreaming of the return of warm sunshine. Makes spring all the more worth waiting for and very appreciated when it arrives – for real.