Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Wedding

My oldest son got married in February. Here’s my take on “The Wedding.”

Josh and Ashley got married at “The Mill” in Lebanon, TN, which is outside of Nashville. This is an old textile mill that made blankets for over a hundred years. The wedding was not what I think of as pretty, in the sense of the traditional way but very modern. Most of the pictures were done before the wedding; they didn’t care about seeing each before the ceremony.

This is our family photo with the bride and groom. My guys clean up nice, don’t they? My dress was the work of my best friend since junior high who is an amazing person. I am not a dress up person. Knowing that I needed help, she put the whole outfit together for less than fifty dollars! What a great friend. The photo above is how we all looked the day of the wedding.

This is Ashley and her bridesmaids. Her colors were pewter and yellow. She had seven bridesmaids so Josh had seven groomsmen. I heard several comments during the course of the day about how handsome the groomsmen looked.

This wedding had one thing I had never heard of – a female usher. She seated Steve and me. The wedding director told her to take each of us by the arm and walk us in. I said ain’t going to happen, so she walked in front of us and I walked in on Steve’s arm.

The pastor who married them did an excellent job of personalizing the ceremony. He talked about both of them being in the music industry and that being the way they met. Just a super job.

The reception was simple. They had a coffee bar,

a candy buffet,

a wedding cake,

and a groom’s cake.

(Think Josh is a Yankees’ fan??)

Then the reception was over and it was time for them to leave. The best man, Josh’s younger brother, Paul, and the groomsmen did not plan ahead so the streamers on the car said “Happy Birthday.” That was all they could find at the Dollar Store during the reception.

They had a very interesting wedding night. Josh got very ill and Ashley had to take him to the ER the next morning. He was dehydrated and had to be given an IV of fluids before she could take him home.

(Young people take pictures of everything now!)

But Josh got well and Ashley didn’t come down with whatever he had. They had a great honeymoon, or so I’ve been told.

Now they are back starting their “real life.” Josh will be going back on the road soon. I know it will be hard the first time they are apart after the wedding. I’m sure they will handle it well.

A long and happy marriage to Josh and Ashley!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The other night at dinner my husband asked me a question that I had no answer for right off the top of my head. We were talking about the topic that makes up about 90% of our conversations these days; our oldest son’s upcoming wedding. In the course of what we were discussing, I said something about how I would be using the journal my husband gave me for Christmas by the time we leave for the wedding. The journal I’m about to finish up is over-sized. The new one will be easier to pack. Then my husband asked the question – why did I keep a journal?

I had no answer for that question. In the sixth grade I began to keep my first diary. It was a small green book with a lock and key. Of course the key soon got lost but that didn’t matter much. No one was dying to read what I wrote. From that time on, I have written about my life. Not everyday. Heaven knows I’m not that organized. Sometimes I go for long stretches of time without writing in a journal. Yet I always come back to it.

One period of time that I wrote very detailed journal entries was from about 1973 until the late 1970s. These journals were about the time I saw Elvis Presley in concert. For some reason I felt it very important to document my Elvis adventures. Now I am glad I have these journals. The thought has been in my mind to turn them into a book about being a die hard Elvis fan.

Later in life when I went to college (I went to college when my youngest son was a senior in high school. Late bloomer is an understatement in my case.) journaling was used in some of my classes. Journals were a tool used to get older students back into the swing of writing. That pushed me to start writing in my personal journals again. Now I write in my journal everyday. Why do I do it?

Writing lets me express myself. I can put down what I really think and feel. Blogging is the way people write about their daily life nowadays. I blog too but blogging is too public for me. I’m not the kind of person who would write something on a blog that could hurt someone who might have access to the blog. My journal is private. I know someday someone will have the task of deciding what to do with my journals.

Maybe future family members will be interested in what life was like for me. One generation getting a peep into how another generation thought and felt. Back to the question that started this whole blog – why do I write in a journal? Well, to be truthful there is only one good reason; I enjoy it. Writing in my journal is something I do just for myself. My own private time. And that is reason enough for me.