All week the big news story has been the economy. Suddenly, it is a matter of doing something for Wall Street really fast – in a week. Hey, it did not take a week to get in this mess. Why is there such a hurry to give my money away? Yes, my money. I’m a taxpayer. An unemployed taxpayer who is not happy to even think about my tax money going to bail out companies who made tons of money giving out loans that they knew could not be repaid. Figures have been thrown around that if the bail out Bush wants passes, it would cost every taxpayer something around $7,000 each. Well, I don’t want to give Wall Street my money. I want it. I need it.
Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t want anyone to lose their home. In fact, why doesn’t the government do something to protect hard working folks who are having a rough time? Companies are out there preying on desperate people. Put some of these types of companies out of business. Take for example the company that runs a commercial on local stations in my town and I’m sure all over the country, starring Gary Coleman. It’s offering a loan for up to $2600. Of course the voice-over says to be sure you can afford the payments before applying for the loan. While Coleman is talking about selling his car and clothes (who would buy his clothes?), the fine print is saying that the interest on the loan is 99.25%. Let’s put these people out of business. What they are doing can only be illegal and unethical.
Forget the bail out. If the government wants to give money away, give it to the people that need it - people who would be looking to Gary Coleman for financial advice. Like me, they need their money. If Gary Coleman influences their decisions making, they need the money a heck of a lot more than I do. The government needs to slow down. Think things over. I have to be careful with my money; the government should have to be careful with my money too.
I've put a couple great videos of a Congresswoman from Ohio ranting against the bill on blogilow. I've also put a link to, a grass roots group that is frantically fighting the bill.
Sue, I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm reaching the point where I'm hesitant to even put money in the bank. I live off cash and only put enough money in the bank to cover checks I write for bills. I have no credit cards except for one that is for emergencies only. Since switching to the cash only lifestyle, I'm finding that I spend a lot less and I'm less tempted to spend it impulsively.
Everyone I know is suffering financially, either because of job loss or inflation in general. Food prices are up, gas prices are high, our electric rates are going up, our property taxes are going up. If I don't find a job and my mortgage payment goes up because of taxes, I will end up losing my home.
I've lost my health insurance and can't afford private insurance so I can't afford to get sick. According to the State, I make too much money between unemployment and child support so I don't qualify for ANY help.
And yet the government can find all this money to bail out some banks with bad debt????
Something is drastically wrong...
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