This is a very important week for me. I am graduating from college. Monday night was my last class. I started college about five or so years ago from scratch. When I graduated from high school I did not go on with my education- I got married. Still am, to the same guy. No Child Left Behind pushed me to college. I worked as a teacher assistant. In order to keep my job I was either going to have pass a test or get two years of college credit. Figuring that I was already doing most of a teacher’s job, I’d go the whole way and get a degree. That way I could make more money. Nice plan but I had no idea what the future would bring as I started taking classes.
Now I have finished all the classes. Friday night I am going to a reception to celebrate obtaining my degree. Then in a few weeks, my diploma will be mailed to me. I do not have the Education degree I started out to get. My degree is in history. My concentration is Education. If I take a few more classes, I can teach. Do I want to? I’m not sure. At this stage of my life, I am trying to figure out what I want to do. At one time I had everything all planned out. That was nice but things don’t always go the way we plan.
I want to thank all the people who supported me during my college career. My husband and sons were very supportive. Going to college was the only thing I ever remember my Mom telling me she was proud of me for doing. Many of my friends and co-workers helped me out. I am being encouraged by my family to go and participate in the actual graduation ceremony next May. My oldest son was able to advise me on something he has done that I have not. He told me when he graduated from college, he found out that walking in the ceremony wasn’t something you did for yourself- you did it for your family. I had never thought of it that way. Maybe I will do it. I have a couple months to make up my mind
I will have spare time again. Nothing hanging over me that has to get done. Maybe I get back to doing some things I have neglected. Get back to writing. Is it time to write that book about Elvis I have always thought about doing? Keep this blog up, if anyone reads it. I am learning about Facebook. My kids tell me it’s a way to keep up with what they are doing. Some of my Manilow friends may be happy I can be online more but some may not. I was not a big hit over on the Network but then tolerance for anyone who thinks outside the box is unknown over there. It’ll be different and an adjustment to be out of school. My husband says I’ll miss it. I will miss parts of it. I enjoyed learning and stretching my mind. My education has changed me for the better. The rest of my life is beginning. I have no idea where I’m headed but I’m ready. One of the main things I want to do is stay in better contract with my friends. Be prepared- you all may get tired of me. I’m back!!
1 comment:
Congratulations on graduating. I got my degree in 2001, also well after I was out of High School. I did online learning, and I did it for me, not for anyone else. It didn't get me any more money at my job, but it fulfilled something I had left unfinished in my life. Sometimes the most important thing is to do something for yourself.
- Sharon -
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