I was reading a post on an email string the other day written by a lady who attended a lecture by Suzanne Somers on health, hormones, and all the other stuff Ms. Somers is pushing these days. Bless her heart, this dear lady threw out all her Febreze after hearing Ms. Somers speak. According to the lecture, Febreze has chemicals that can be harmful to the human body the same way as preservatives in food.
Ms. Somers, along with quite a few other celebrities earn a nice income by telling us regular folks how to look and feel young by following their recommended lifestyle. The buying of books, DVDs, and CDs are encouraged to teach the method used by the stars. Of course the number one secret of what Hollywood celebrities believe keeps them young is never discussed in any of this material. That brings me to my question- why is plastic surgery not harmful to the body?
Now I am sure stars like Ms. Somers don't want us to know about their plastic surgery. Let's face it, when your face no longer moves or resembles the face you had when you were younger,it is very obvious. The public is not blind or stupid. If the chemicals used in preserving food are bad to eat, how can putting chemicals, like botox, in your face, breasts, or thighs be healthy? Never mind putting your body through purely elective surgery. That can't be good.
Maybe since I don't have to depend on my looks, thank goodness, to keep my career going, I don't understand. That's why I'm asking. All I want to know is how someone like Ms. Somers can preach keeping chemicals out of your body and home but use them on her own body? Any type of cosmetic surgery is doing something to to the body that nature never intended to be done. Bodies are supposed to age, not be filled with chemicals to make them look plastic. (Note to all celebrities: all your "people" you pay are lying to you. You don't look younger - you look gross.)
I'll keep my Febreze. I like the way it makes my house smell. I look at it this way: if all the stuff that has gone into body over the years that I had no idea would harm me when I used it hasn't killed by now, a little Febreze isn't going to hurt. If anyone can answer my question about why plastic surgery is healthy and Febreze is not, I'd like to hear from you. Maybe Ms. Somers can explain it to me. If it involves buying one of her books I guess I'll never know. Unemployed blog writers like me can't afford celebrity self-help books.
Oh well, it's not like plastic surgery will ever be an issue for me. Just one of those things I was thinking about in my gracious amount of spare time. So I wrote about it. Maybe one day I'll write something and collect royalties checks like Ms. Somers does. I can promise you I won't be pushing some philosophy I don't follow. I'd rather be broke and honest. At least I'll be able to sleep at night.
Monday, June 1, 2009
What's Good For You?
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EXCELLENT entry. This is so right on. Caroline
I was the one who wrote that blog about Suzanne Somers lecture and if you had bothered to read the WHOLE blog,or maybe you did and chose to leave out my last paragraph because it then wouldn't suit your comments. You would know I said,just because a famous person recommends something for us, that does not mean we have do it. We have to do our own research, and then make the right decision for ourselves. If I chose to throw anything out,Febreze included, it is a decision I made doing my own research on the subject. Not because Suzanne Somers or anyone else tells me to. Sorry you did not get the full intention of that blog.
I also stated that we should use what information that may be out there, then research that information,because possibly, just possibly it might help us live a longer and healthier life.
I don't mind people making comments about something I put on a public board. In fact I appreciate comments. What I do mind is twisting the information to suit one's own purposes.
Thanks for listening,
You made a good point, Sue. We also need to realize that a lot of these same celebrities are also the ones telling us to "be green", however they live in these huge energy sucking homes, fly their private jets and drive their big SUV's. I'll match my carbon footprint against any of them. - Donna G
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