A gift can sometimes be a very rare thing and I was lucky enough to receive such a rare gift from Elvis. How many Elvis fans can say they got a birthday gift from Elvis? I am one of the fortunate few. My gift was a song Elvis sang on New Year’s Eve, 1976, while performing in
Elvis was playing three shows in
Our friend had just returned from our hometown about three hours away with contact sheets of pictures from the previous night’s show. This was in the olden days, before digital cameras. Even before one hour film processing, so it was unusual to see photos from a concert the next day. (My husband and friend used a pro-lab who could do this. It wasn’t like they took the film to the local drugstore.) While we were talking I said I wished Elvis would perform my favorite song in concert, Rags to Riches. Al wasn’t aware that Elvis had recorded a version of the song.
In December Elvis performed Rags to Riches at the piano during his Pittsburgh New Year’s Eve concert. I in no way related it to my birthday which was the same day; it would be nearly two months later, February, 1977 that the two events would be connected for me. We saw Al again in
Every year on my birthday I always remember the year I got one of the best presents ever – the year Elvis sang my favorite song for me. It is one of my own private memories of Elvis and I treasure it.