Sunday, September 7, 2008

One is as Good as the Other

I have not been very interested in the Presidential race this year. I haven’t made up my mind who I am voting for. Neither seem a good choice to me at this point. Now my husband, well, he’s a different story. He’s all into it. That means I see and hear stuff by simply being in the house with him. Both conventions were followed closely by him. Something did happen for the first time in my life. I have become aware of who could be vice-president. That has never been an issue for me before. Come to think of it, I had never even thought about it before. Then came Sarah Palin. I don’t like her. My husband has asked me why. I can’t answer. I don’t know.

It’s a woman thing. We can look at someone and know we don’t like them. No reason is needed. When she was first announced as McCain’s running mate, my first thought, like millions of others, was the Republicans are after the women who back Hillary Clinton. All the news reporters and commenters agree with that thought. I guess with John McCain being the oldest man to ever run for President of the United States, it has to be taken into consideration that the likely hood of him not finishing a term is greater than it has been in the past. All week, every time he spoke at the convention, McCain made sure to point out that his 96 year old mother was attending the convention. She looked really good for a woman that age. But that is a point McCain overlooked when he kept referring to his mother’s age. She is a woman. Women live longer than men. Check any insurance life span chart. Where’s his dad? That would be impressive. By pointing out his mother’s age, McCain is only driving home the point that he is on borrowed time.

What if McCain is elected and he expires in office. President Sarah Palin? That’s a scary thought. I know men with as much experience, or lack of experience, have been President. Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter are two that come to mind. Sarah Palin reminds me of a train wreck waiting to happen. She talks a good game but what will happen when it comes time to stop talking and get down to work? I don’t want to know that. Why? Because I don’t like her. As one guy on CNN said last week, she is not the person I want to be one breathe away from the presidency. Of course the men that picked her gave no credit to the intelligence of women. The thinking seems to goes along the lines of women are interchangeable. It doesn’t matter who the woman is running, like sheep the women voters will ignore the issues and vote for someone because it is a female. I’ve got news for them- women don’t operate like that. We research issues and stands and some of us go with our gut feelings as well. I think a lot of people- men and women are watching to see what happens in the next two months before making up their mind. Maybe Sarah Palin will prove me wrong. Even if she does, that doesn’t mean I have to like her.


DGosselin said...

Sue, I respect your opinion and I hope you make the right decision for yourself in November. I wasn't crazy about either candidate myself (but was voting Republican because I can't stand Obama or his wife), but when Sarah Palin was named the VP choice, she stands for everything I believe in, so now I can vote (with a clear conscience) for McCain.

I will say this one whoever wins in November, I would NOT want your job. This country is broken and needs to be fixed. I won't blame Bush for all of it...Clinton did his share of damage to this country too.

While this country definitely needs a change, I don't think Obama is the one to do it.

I find that the older I get, the more conservative I get.


Pamela said...

Sue I knew I liked you from the very beginning! I don't like her either. I have spoken to a few woman who liked her and after chatting awhile they started rethinking their decision. I believe they first see a woman running and do not look at the person. I too was having a hard time deciding who to vote for and never looked at the VP candidate but that changed this time!
Nice to hear from you other than Manilow stuff!!! Pamela

Anonymous said...

I agree with Donna in that I respect your opinion and others when it comes to politics. Hopefully everyone will get out and vote no matter which candidate they choose.

I wasn't crazy about McCain in the beginning and in fact voted for Huck in the primaries. I've kept an open mind and listened to both candidates over the course of the last months. I am a conservative but call myself an independent conservative because I would vote democratic if I thought that person was the right one for the job. In this instance I don't. The most deciding factor for me is the abortion issue. I am against it totally. I cannot vote for someone who voted against banning partial birth abortion.

Another deciding factor for me is Governor Palin. I do like her and really hope she does get in office. She stands for everything I believe in and isn't a Washington insider. Never before in my life have I been excited about an upcoming election as I have this one. Well maybe except for the times Bush ran. That's when I really started to become interested.
